Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Preparing for Pascha!

Pascha prep is officially underway in our house! As usual, I started the preparations by baking our kulichi (Easter breads). I made 11 this year (it varies every year, depending on how high the dough rises, and the sizes of cans used)...and the house smelled so tempting all day! I have frozen and stashed all the kulichi and cannot wait to defrost the largest one on Holy Saturday, so that we can fill our basket and take it to church to be blessed on Pascha!

I initially baked 3 small for each of my kids. But I ended up with so much dough that I baked in 2 batches, so I re-used some of the small cans and ended up with many little kulichi instead!

Next up is buying farmer's cheese and then making our cheese pascha! And cleaning, of course!

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