Friday, September 25, 2015

Wisdom from St. Theodora of Alexandria

I fell in love with the following excerpt from today's Prologue reading, from the "For Consideration" section:

"Blessed Theodora took on a strange child without a word, accepting it from her slanderers as her own. Out of love, she brought the child up in the fear of God. At the time of her death, she counselled the child thus: 'What more does a man need than God and His divine love? He is our treasure, our riches, our food and drink, our clothing and shelter, our health and strength, our mirth and joy, our hope and our confidence. Strive to find Him, my son. If you find the one God, that is enough for you; you will find more joy in Him than if you had found the whole world.'"

Could there be anything more perfect or more beautiful to teach one's child than that? I really do not think so. What a beautiful example.

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